Upcoming Training

Upcoming Training

Aligned formal training will ensure consistency and enable your team to advance together. If you are unsure how to start, learn more about Cross-Functional Team Development!

Team Development

Online Courses

Online Courses

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Communities of Practice Offerings

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IPWEA Asset Management Pathway

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Information for Canadian participants in international courses

Formal education is a critical step in gaining skills as an individual or organization. At NAMS Canada, we endorse the IPWEA Asset Management Pathway. We believe these courses are the best-in-class formal asset management training on the global market.

To accommodate international participants in different time zones all live-sessions will be recorded. Rest assured, NAMS Canada will be here to support you with any questions you may have during your course.

International Courses are priced in AUD and are exempt from tax. You will be redirected to the IPWEA website.
Canadian Courses are marked with and are priced in CAD. GST applies.


Infrastructure Asset Management Planning for Elected Members
Online Learning Program

Asynchronous | Open for registration

The Infrastructure Asset Management Planning for Elected Officials course will rapidly build your knowledge and skills in infrastructure asset management, build familiarity with the IPWEA Asset Management publications and guide you in the initial steps to assess viable technology solutions in relation to your organizational needs and context.

Who: Elected Officials

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Online Courses


IPWEA Fleet Management Certificate

February 25, 2025

Learn, practice and apply the critical principles, knowledge and skills required to effectively and efficiently manage a plant and vehicle fleet.

Who: Fleet Management role now or aspiring
Canadian price: AUD $1,750 (no tax)

Link to IPWEA course page ➔

IPWEA Asset Management Foundations

March 10, 2025

Define what asset management is and understand why it is important.

Who: All AM team members
Canadian price: AUD $1,450 (no tax)

Link to IPWEA course page ➔

IPWEA Professional Certificate in Asset Management Planning

April 7, 2025

Master the key concepts of AMP and prepare a draft AM plan, while gaining a professional certificate.

Who: Asset Manager, Finance
Canadian price: AUD $3,100 (no tax)

Link to IPWEA course page ➔

IPWEA Professional Certificate in Infrastructure Financial Management

April 14, 2025

Build your capability to lead your organization in providing financially sustainable service delivery from infrastructure.

Who: Asset Manager, Finance, Senior Management
Canadian price: AUD $3,100 (no tax)

Link to IPWEA course page ➔

IPWEA Integrating Asset Management & Governance

June 2, 2025

Gain the tools to apply robust asset management across the whole of your organization.

Who: Asset Manager, Senior Management
Canadian price: AUD $2,200 (no tax)

Link to IPWEA course page ➔

Communities of Practice Offerings


AMBC Asset Management Training for First Nations and Indigenous Communities

Customized training to meet the unique needs of BC's First Nations and Indigenous Communities.

Find out more ➔

IPWEA Asset Management Pathway

Support your future with IPWEA’s Educational Programs. Three levels of learning, no prerequisites and international recognition.

NAMS Canada endorses all courses.

IPWEA AM Pathway ➔

IPWEA Education Pathway courses recognized by World Partners in Asset Management Global Certification Scheme

IPWEA is pleased to announce that the World Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM) have recognized the completion of two IPWEA Asset Management Pathway courses listed below, as satisfying the knowledge requirements equivalent to the Certified Asset Management Assessor (CAMA) certification.

This enables IPWEA AM Pathway participants to leverage their educational achievements, when combined with 5-years demonstrated experience in Asset Management, to make an application for the Certified Practitioner in Asset Management (CPAM) designation, and when combined with 8 years demonstrated experience, for the Certified Senior Principal in Asset Management (CSAM) designation via the Global Certification Scheme.

We recently held an information session on the IPWEA Asset Management Pathway hosted by Jonathan Jones, and featuring Dave Daines from the World Partners in Asset Management. The session detailed each course and how you can leverage two IPWEA Asset Management Pathway courses to apply for the World Partners in Asset Management Global Certification Scheme.  If you’d like to watch the recorded session you can do so here.

WPiAM announcement graphic
WPiAM logo