About the Course Qualifications
Q: What qualification is awarded for the IPWEA Professional Certificate in Asset Management Planning, delivered by NAMS Canada?
A: The IPWEA Professional Certificate in Asset Management Planning delivered by NAMS Canada is a short course which is practitioner based and focussed. A professional certificate is awarded by IPWEA & NAMS Canada upon successful completion of the course. Successful candidates may use the postnominals: ProfCertAM if they choose to do so. E.g. J.Citizen ProfCertAM.
About the Course
Q: How much time would be required or recommended to complete the course?
The number of hours required to complete the certificate (The Introduction plus 7 modules, and completion AM Plan as part of assessment) has been estimated as:
- There is an Introductory Module plus seven (7) learning modules. On average, each module will take approximately 2-3 hours to complete. There is 30 – 45 minutes worth of short pre-recorded videos and then mandatory learning activities to complete (brainstorming activities, multiple choice, filling tables from the draft asset management plan, etc). There is also optional recommended reading material and access to a “discussion forum” with peers and mentors.
- Additionally, there are eight (8) optional 45-minute live Q&A sessions scheduled during the course, providing an opportunity for you to ask questions and discuss key concepts of asset management with a mentor. These sessions are also recorded, viewing is optional.
- To complete your final assignment, a draft Asset Management Plan, may take 20-30 hours. The time taken will depend on previous knowledge and experience, ready access to data and other factors. If not completed satisfactorily you will be requested to revise and resubmit.
Total estimated 50 – 60 hours (depending on available data & previous experience).
Q: What level of experience is this course for?
The course is applicable to a wide range of experience from beginners to mature practitioners looking to refine their skills. The concepts are basic asset management principles but the experience can seem intense because of the requirement of the “hands-on” application of drafting an asset management plan. We recommend this course to anyone who has a role in the development or presentation of the asset management plan, including service providing staff, management, and elected officials.
Q: Is the start of the course the Introduction or Module 1 date?
The course Introduction is open one week before course commencement, to enable you to:
- orientate to the course platforms and facilitators
- let us know if you are having any issues accessing the platforms or tools used during the course
Q: Do I have to attend online live training sessions?
A: Each of the modules consists of videos and homework tasks. These can be undertaken during the week of the module at a time that suits the participant. Weekly there will be a live Q&A session in which participants can raise questions and receive answers directly from the course mentors. The Q&A sessions will be recorded but are not mandatory for successful completion of the course. The recording of the Q&A session is usually available within 24 hours of each live event.
Q: What happens if I get behind completing the course modules? Can I catch up?
A: It is recommended to stay caught up to facilitate discussion with your peers. However, you can choose to work at your own pace and if you get behind there is time to catch up. If you are unable to meet the deadline for submission of the draft asset management plan you will need to request an extension. Extensions are only provided to participants who satisfy certain requirements. Refer to the course Terms and Conditions for further information. Extensions are the exception, not the norm.
Q: Considering the end goal is to draft an Asset Management Plan, can people work collaboratively on the assignments?
A: Yes, but assignments must be your own work in your own words. The Professional Certificate is awarded at an individual level to candidates who have registered and successfully completed the course. All viewing of the module videos and learning activities must be the individual's own work. It is important that we can record your progress and have guarantees that you are participating in the course. The live Q&A sessions are optional, registered participants can watch them as a group. Duplicated or substantially the same work will not be accepted.
Additionally, participation in the course can only be by the person(s) in the entity that are registered. Participants are encouraged to share with colleagues what they learned or their draft asset management plan but are not permitted to use or reproduce the materials for teaching purposes.
Q: Does this course cover the new standards (ISO 55000) and the latest IIMM?
A: Yes. This content of this course is consistent with the new ISO 55000 Standards and also the IIMM Supplement. There is a good alignment between the ISO and the IIMM. There is a lot of common content, but they are structured quite differently. ISO 55001 follows the standard ISO structure for management systems standards and works from the more strategic to operational requirements. It is the ‘what to do’ of asset management. The International Infrastructure Management Manual (IIMM, an IPWEA publication) is a ‘how to’ guide and is intended to take the user through the logical steps of defining AM requirements (section 2) and then developing AM strategies to meet these requirements across the asset lifecycle (section 3), all of which is supported by AM enablers (section 4). The IIMM provides comprehensive guidance across all of the ISO standard requirements. This course is not specifically about ISO or IIMM. This course is about writing a credible AM Plan consistent with the requirements of ISO & IIMM. You do not have to use the NAMS+ system, however as the course has to be based upon an AM system, we use the NAMS+ as that system. You can apply the AM principles learned to any advanced AM system.
About NAMS+
Q: Is the course structure weighted towards developing AM skills or towards use of the NAMS+ templates and tools?
A: The course is aimed at developing skills in people to develop a draft AM Plan. It is a practical example of AM Planning and uses the NAMS+ tools and templates. The main purpose of the NAMS+ templates and modelling is to enable people to develop their AM Plans in a short timeframe. All the information required is in, and consistent with, the International Infrastructure Management Manual (IIMM). The NAMS+ tools make drafting an Asset Management Plan much faster as there is no need to develop the templates and modelling from scratch. People can do the work themselves in a few months if they wish rather than use the NAMS+ templates, but we find our tools, templates and other resources give a good start. Over 400 local governments and public utilities across Australia, Canada and increasingly in the United States use the NAMS+ system.
Q: Why NAMS+ is better than other Systems?
A: The great advantage about NAMS+ and the ongoing subscription is that once you have developed an asset management plan it doesn’t stop there. NAMS+ allows you to review, refine and update AMPs as often as required. There is no limit to how many data sets can be put in for modelling for subscribers. When entities adopt the process where the AMPs feed into their Long Term Financial Plans which in turn drive the budget, annual updates of the AMPs will be very straight forward using NAMS+. NAMS+ and the IPWEA Professional Certificate in Asset Management Planning, delivered by NAMS Canada are designed to build your own internal staff capacity and competency. It does not rely upon consultants doing the work for you; however, if you would like the assistance of consultants there are many NAMS accredited consultants that can assist you.
Will NAMS+ be available long-term?
A: Yes. NAMS+ has been operating and supported since 2007 and is being used by over 250 organizations. You can continue to purchase an annual subscription to gain access.
As a professional institute, we have expertise in the latest technology for back-end processing and cloud-based backups. But you do have the ability to export any data or graphs and store externally.
Q: Is it possible for Consultants to subscribe to NAMS+?
A: No. Consultants can't subscribe to the full NAMS+ program. Your asset-owning clients need to subscribe. The benefit of a Consultant doing the course is so that you can then use our tools and templates for NAMS+ subscribing entities. We can provide Consultants with a free limited trial subscription to NAMS+ for the purpose of undertaking the Professional Certificate course.
Q: Is NAMS+ suitable for different needs?
A: Yes. NAMS+ tools and resources are particularly relevant to infrastructure-related entities, such as road, drainage, water, sewerage and other networks, parks assets, buildings, recreation, and other facilities and inclusive of local government, public utilities and owners of physical infrastructure assets. But the principles of our work are transferable to different situations beyond local government and across international countries and applicable to all physical infrastructure assets.