Thanks very much Earl. I will email you.
Ross Collicutt
Senior Applications Analyst
Nanaimo BC
Original Message:
Sent: 30-04-2021 01:07
From: Earl DuPriest
Subject: Digital asset management checklist
Hi Ross,
Here at CWS we use ESRI GIS as our primary asset register for pipelines and pump stations. We have a very experienced GIS team and are constantly making strategy based AM improvements to the register and associated business processes. I would be happy to coordinate some discussions with the AM&GIS team if you think it would be helpful. My contact information is below (email is the best bet). I look forward to hearing from you!
Earl DuPriest
Asset Management Program Manager
Charleston Water System
103 St. Philip Street | Charleston, SC 29403
Tel: 843-727-7202
Mob: 843-214-4310
Original Message:
Sent: 28-04-2021 01:40
From: Ross Collicutt
Subject: Digital asset management checklist
We are just starting to move into a digital asset management system in most areas of the City of Nanaimo. Many have been using paper or excel spreadsheets to run their asset management programs. We are using ESRI GIS for locations and some metadata currently. Does anyone have any good checklists or tips for moving/aggregating most of our assets into a digital system?
Ross Collicutt
Senior Applications Analyst
Nanaimo BC