Hi Tejal,
I don't know the particulars of your challenges, which is an important factor in answering your question, so take this advice for what its worth.
Generally the best place to house asset risk data is in the same database used for the asset register. The calculation for COF, LOF, and(or) BRE are typically going to rely heavily on the asset attributes which should be captured in the asset register. The LOF data will typically be captured through the CMMS as a part of inspection/condition assessment work orders. The asset condition identified during the inspection can be captured as a part of closing the work order if the inspection templates are appropriately set up in the system. An integration between the CMMS and the asset register will usually be the most fluid and efficient way to apply inspection data towards the asset attributes in the register. Using a separate non integrated and un controlled systems/programs such as Excel will introduce the possibility of duplicate or redundant data and ultimately result in diminished confidence in the data quality overtime. Some types of LOF, such as theoretical LOF, can be calculated purely from the asset attributes but generally have a lower level of confidence compared to actual physical assessment results. It is helpful to have the theoretical and actual conditions in the same system to facilitate comparison and ultimately improvement in the accuracy of the theoretical condition.
Here at CWS we are in the process of optimizing our CMMS, InforEAM, for plant and facilities assets. InforEAM is both the CMMS and asset register for those assets.The asset risk scoring is an important part of this AM strategy. It may be well worth reaching out to our project manager for that project to discuss in more detail. Please feel free to shoot me an email to set something up. Hope this input is helpful.
Earl DuPriest
Asset Management Program Manager
Charleston Water System
103 St. Philip Street | Charleston, SC 29403
Tel: 843-727-7202
Mob: 843-214-4310
E: dupriester@charlestoncpw.com
Original Message:
Sent: 23 September 2020 14:29
From: Tejal Kshatriya
Subject: Vertical Assets - COF , LOF , Core risk and BRE scoring
Consultant helping to set up Risk Assessment Framework for our vertical assets. Project is near it's completion and next step is to implement the recommendation however the suggestion consultant has given us to use survey123 or excel as platform to place the COF, LOF scroing etc data. Our goal is to stay away from one risk socre so we are not using our existing CMMS system.
Does anyone have any suggestion for the platform to host the condition and critically scoring data?